Polarity Wellness Tarot Deck


Cards: Miriam Jacobs
User’s Guide: Miriam Jacobs with Stephanie Swafford

Contact me for overseas orders: Miriam

PWT is a powerful tool to enrich all body-mind disciplines, or for those who want to deepen their Tarot repertoire.

The deck is based on classic Tarot and Polarity Therapy principles.

Each card includes related symbols of elements, types of touch, zodiac, and Chakras, plus a Polarity Energy Man, who highlights areas of the body to focus on.

It is the recommended deck to use to create Tarot in Motion™ movement pieces. PWT is a powerful tool to enrich all body-mind disciplines, or for those who want to deepen their Tarot repertoire.

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Polarity Wellness Tarot is the first somatic Tarot deck. PWT has the same structure as classic Tarot decks and speaks to both the total novice. It is the preferred deck for creating Tarot in Motion movement pieces, and for supporting bodywork sessions.

Each PWT card includes an illustration of the physical body that highlights what part of the body is associated with this card

Each card contains symbols that correlate to the guidelines in Tarot in Motion




“There is something in picking a Tarot card and focusing on it and then putting it to movement that is freeing”
